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Friday, 23 January 2015

Between Physicians and Surgeons.

Her random blood sugar level showed a sudden spike, unexpected but true. The consultant of my unit instructed the senior registrar on call to get a consultation from the 'medical people', before she is wheeled in for surgery. The myomectomy operation had to wait till we get the opinion of the medical experts.

This is a typical occurrence in the hospital setting. Each specialty depending on that other revelant specialty for the overall interest of the patient. Under all these are the two key, broad specialty - Physicians (medical people) and Surgeons (surgery people).

Generally, the attribute cum principle of any Physician is to meticulously manage a patient. He does this by knowing the physiological make-up of an individual, he gets to study individual patients for we are all unique and never the same, that is medically speaking. A Physician is one who is well grounded in Pharmacology; administering, adjusting drug doses in a way that only that Physicians know how. Sub-specialties here includes cardiology, nephrology, neurology, endocrinology, physchiatry, Rheumatology, internal medicine, paediatrics.

Surgeons are in love with the scapel. A surgeon is one who is master of the anatomy of the human body. He seeks to cut out any ailing part of the human body. This is exactly why physicians have a grugde with surgeons. In medical circles, surgeons seem always in a haste, ever wanting to open-up that body. Surgeons believe that physicians are slow to act, for any time wasted brings the patient a step closer to his end. Sub-specialties here would include cardio-thoracic surgery, urology,Neurosurgery, orthopaedic surgery, Paediatric surgery etc.

This is what medicine entails!!!

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