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Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Nigerian Writes A Heart-Warming Open Letter To America's President-Elect, Donald Trump.

Few hours after the result announcing Mr Donald Trump as the new President-elect of America, there have been a myriad of mixed reactions. However, Anthony Igbinosun, a Nigerian, seem to have a different unpopular opinion and have openly expressed his profound admiration of the new Leader.
He shared his thoughts on Facebook thus;

Congratulations to the President-elect of America, Donald Trump. In my life, I have never stayed awake because of election results but since yesterday I haven't slept. Something about you kept me awake.

I don't like your moral standards but I do like something about you. You are strong. Very strong. You defied the odds, the biased media, everything that was thrown at you by cabals and secret int...erest groups. Debate questions were leaked to your opponent beforehand and every major news outlet seemed paid to bring you down. Celebrities like Beyonce, JayZ, Miley Cyrus, etc opposed you. Obama and his wife mocked you several times during their speeches. Even some folks in your own party fought against you. Wow!

You are the American Buhari, unrefined, occasionally crude but determined. The difference is that you have more competent people around you. I don't like you, I don't trust you and I can't vouch for your competence in office. I see Clinton the same way. But in more than a few ways, you have taught me many lessons for my personal life. Thank you and congratulations once again.

And you there! Yes, you. Julian Assange and Vladmir Putin. Congratulations too. Una welldone.

What do you think?

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