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Thursday, 1 January 2015

Concept of Tooth-Picking: How Cool is that?!

Nice as a meal is, there may be a major set-back. One should feel contentment after every meal, but what happens when food (especially meat, vegetable) lodge between the crevices of your teeth. I sincerely dislike that feeling. It's like something went wrong in the eating process itself. So uncool!!
The next thing is to scan the table, immediately for a tooth-pick.
I remembered when I was younger, whenever I attempted using tooth-pick, I ended up bleeding myself. Up till now, I believe the use of tooth-pick is an act.

Since the body always finds a way of taking care of itself, the initial reflex would be to use your fingers to pull out the debris. But that is obviously against table etiquette. So the next thing is to pick your tooth. Remember to always discourage the use of fingers to extract food debris lodged between the tooth, since the fingers may introduce nidus for infection spread.

Though the word,'tooth-picking', is a misnomer; as you are picking the debris lodged between your teeth, it is used anyway. Use of tooth-picks should be discouraged in
- Individuals with some kind of bleeding pathology.
-immunosuppressed individuals, ie, they have some form of chronic condition that has depleted their immunity. Introducing micro organisms through the tooth-pick may be quite devastating.

A must for every tooth-pick usage;
It is not proper to reuse a tooth-pick.
Do not share tooth-picks.
Ensure, that every tooth-pick used meets a minimum healthy level. If you are in doubt, discard it all.
Discourage children from using tooth-picks until they are mature enough for it. They are predisposed to gingivitis.
Staying healthy involves eating healthily.

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