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Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Dear DQB's Reader: Prescription over the phone is unethical

I got a question from a DQB reader; he wanted to know my position on this question; "Over the phone medical treatment - good or bad?".
I have heard a lot about this topic, however controversial. Many still believe that over the phone prescription is the way to go, especially in this jet age, where gadgets seem to be doing a lot. I have always believed that this trend is dangerous to whom ever subscribes to it.
In-patient visit has always been part of the foundation on which medicine thrived and flourished. So I am shocked whenever people consume drugs - especially antibiotics - neglecting associated complications.

It is worth getting to meet your doctor in person, because he is open to a lot of information that would be lost if he was to give over-the-phone prescription. The doctor could check your colouring, exam any swollen gland and even palpate the abdomen. A thorough physical exam would be done each time you make your way to your doctor. You lose all that if you ring him or you send an email.
 Be wise.

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