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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Vesico-Vaginal Fistula - Causes

Vesico-Vaginal Fistula (VVF) is an abnormal communication between the epithelial surfaces of the bladder and vagina. It is the commonest gynaecological fistula seen around.

VVF is common in developing countries like Nigeria. This is because Cephalopelvic Disproportion and Obstructed Labour are common occurrences.

A) Obstetric Trauma;
-Pressure Necrosis
-Forceps Lacerations
-Ruptured Uterus
-Difficult Caesaerean Sections

B) Gynaecological Trauma;
-Radiation therapy for gynaecological malignancies
-Chronic foreign body in the vagina or bladder
C) Others;
-congenital abnormality of the vagina (rare)
-Coital Injury
-Penetrating Vaginal Injuries
-Packing the Vagina with Caustic Soda
-Fracture of the Pelvis

Women should not be made to suffer VVF, as it causes are almost preventable!!

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