
Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Balancing On One Feet Shows How Healthy You Are!!!

Test your balance 

So, how good is your balance? To find out, take this test, based on a U.S. study published in the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy.

The researchers measured how long, on average, different age groups could balance on one leg for in order to establish what might be considered 'normal'.

To do the test, time how long you can stand on one leg, with your arms resting on your hips. Stop the clock when your raised foot touches the floor or your other leg, or you have to lift your arms off your hips to steady yourself - then compare your results with what's considered 'normal' for your age.

Under 40 with eyes open: 45 seconds
With eyes closed: 15 seconds

40-49 with eyes open: 42 seconds
With eyes closed: 13 seconds

50-59 with eyes open: 41 seconds
With eyes closed: 8 seconds

60-69 with eyes open: 32 seconds
With eyes closed: 4 seconds

70-79 with eyes open: 22 seconds
With eyes closed: 3 seconds

80-99 with eyes open: 9 seconds 
With eyes closed: 2 seconds

Read more: Daily Mail Online

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