
Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Weird Medical News in 2014...

I saw this stuff on, and I thought I should share. Read full story about 2014 weird medical news.
      I believe the first story was so cool; it was about how an electrician was electrocuted with about 14000 watts of energy. Now, he has this star pattern imprint on his eye. This event was published in New England Journal of medicine. The star shaped pattern is actually a star shaped cataract that was formed after the 42 year old electrician.

Doctor find baby teeth in a brain tumour of a patient. The teeth, most likely a teratoma, was extracted at surgery at the University of Maryland medical centre in the patient diagnosed of craniopharyngioma, a common benign tumour seen in children.

Man drinks young people urine to stay forever young. The man's satisfaction is not sexually based, but built on a false and strange fantasy that drinking children's urine, somehow makes him look younger.

See other weird medical News that made 2014 spectacular...

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